
Specialized Direct Admit Programs

Looking at the wide world of college admissions can be overwhelming in all aspects of the college search.  What are the most important characteristics of making your college list?  While location and size are some of the most important aspects to consider, your major should always be at the top of your list.  Finding the most prestigious college is only good for you, if it has a program that you want to study.  As you identify schools and programs, one thing to look for is a Direct Admissions program.

Direct Admissions (also known as Direct Admit) programs are set up to offer freshmen guaranteed acceptance into a professional program if they meet the academic requirements set out by the program.  This is most often seen with some of the more competitive programs at schools and guarantees that students are not placed into a non-degree program or general program before applying to the school of their choice.  This is most often seen at larger schools.

These programs are intended for students who are sure of what they want to study, so they can begin preparing for their major from the start.  They can begin to craft a 4 year path of required courses as well as electives to maximize their time and experiences.  A common thought is that by focusing on these courses from the beginning, there are more chances to build a resume and plan for their professional experiences.

One thing to know is that often direct admissions programs will have slightly more stringent admissions requirements.  The reason for this is because these programs are usually more competitive.  While most schools allow for students not accepted into these direct admit programs to apply to get into these majors, it is often much tougher to do so.  Being aware of the individual programs requirements and acceptance rates is very important to research ahead of time.  Acceptance after admission largely depends on space within the program.

To learn more about specific programs at your colleges, research them on the schools websites and always utilize your admissions representatives expertise on their school.  Remember, you want to find a school that is a good fit, so if you’re thinking of a question, it is never inappropriate to ask.


Chris Merle