Getting Involved in High School: Your Top 10 Common Application Activity

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

Joining clubs, participating in extracurricular activities, running for governing boards, or applying for summer internships is essential when capitalizing on your high school experience. Colleges want to see that you are applying yourself, collaborating with peers, and building confidence. Colleges want to know that you were an integral part of your high school community and your drive and work ethic …

Counselor-Student Relationships and Why They are Helpful 

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

Schools are so much more than just institutions for learning. Many students receive academic, social/emotional, and post-secondary support along with their education. Often overlooked, school counselors are a huge part of this support system, and forming a connection with your counselor is extremely beneficial to your overall educational experience. Your counselor will probably be the best resource during the college …

Why Apply to Honors Colleges

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

Many schools offer honors programs as a way to draw in highly talented students. The requirements typically involve exceptional test scores and high GPAs, and some programs may ask students to submit an essay or respond to separate application questions to be considered. Although it may seem like extra work, applying to an honors program, and being accepted, often comes …

Taking Advantage of Office hours in College

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

As I reflect back on my college experience and think about the things that helped me the most, one of the fondest memories was with Dr. F’s office hours for calculus.  I took calculus at 8:00AM, four days a week.  The combination of an early morning class and a course that challenged me (the future English major), to say I …

Specialized Direct Admit Programs

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

Looking at the wide world of college admissions can be overwhelming in all aspects of the college search.  What are the most important characteristics of making your college list?  While location and size are some of the most important aspects to consider, your major should always be at the top of your list.  Finding the most prestigious college is only …

Different Types of Applications

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

Now that the application process is done primarily online, students now have opportunities to cast a wider net when it comes to applying to schools. The school information is at the student’s fingertips, providing them with readily available information on the roughly 5300 colleges and universities in just the United States alone. The most common way students will apply is …

How is the ACT scored?

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

Math 19, Science 18, English 24, Reading 23. Composite 21.  So what do all of these numbers mean? This blog will help you understand your scores, what goes into your composite score and how to use it!   First, let’s break down what goes in to a composite score.  The number of correct answers is converted to a score that ranges …

Questions You Should be Asking College Reps

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

During your college research, it is important to look for qualities in the college that demonstrate how you and the school would be a great fit. These qualities could range from academic rigor to social life to campus culture to career prep opportunities, among others. Think of it as a puzzle: the more pieces that fit with what you’re looking …

Your Student Portal

Lighthouse College PlanningCollege Planning

I’m sure most of you have heard the stories of your parents or older siblings waiting for college decisions by looking for either a large, thick envelope, which suggested you were accepted into an institution, or a small, thin envelope which delivered the devastating news that you were not a successful applicant.  Technology and upgrades have changed things drastically and …

Questions You Should be Asking College Reps

Lighthouse College PlanningUncategorized

During your college research, it is important to look for qualities in the college that demonstrate how you and the school would be a great fit. These qualities could range from academic rigor to social life to campus culture to career prep opportunities, among others. Think of it as a puzzle: the more pieces that fit with what you’re looking …