Many college students have jobs. Working is a great way for students to develop skills and experience needed for the real world. Here are few tips on finding a job in college and maintaining a balance with your studies. Look for a job on campus. Search online job boards, check out the career center or look on bulletin boards throughout …
Developing & Maintaining Good Study Habits
Good study habits are essential for college success. It’s expected, that by the time you reach college, you will know how to budget your time and study effectively. The best time to develop and perfect your study skills is through middle and high school.
Study Skills
As we head into the school year, we want to emphasize the importance of good study skills and habits. This article from has great advice. 10 Habits of High Effective Students Some people believe that really successful students are just born that way. True, some students are able to breeze through school with little or no effort. However, …