Asking College Reps

Questions You Should be Asking College Reps

By Mallory D. Platt

During your college research, it is important to look for qualities in the college that demonstrate how you and the school would be a great fit. These qualities could range from academic rigor to social life to campus culture to career prep opportunities, among others.

Think of it as a puzzle: the more pieces that fit with what you’re looking for, the higher your chances of academic success and happiness once you start college. Therefore, it’s important to thoroughly research the schools on your college list. The internet should be one of your primary research tools, especially college websites, but sometimes you just can’t find the answers to some of your questions. When this situation arises, you may find it useful to call/email the admissions office or speak in person to representatives when visiting a campus or when you are at a college fair in order to receive responses directly from the source. Contacting the admissions office with insightful questions serves a dual purpose of actually gathering valuable info to use during your college search and showing admissions officers that you really are interested in the school.

Here are some examples of the types of questions you could ask:

  1. How do you help graduates find employment?
  2. What is the most popular major on campus? Why?
  3. What is there to do in town? How would I get there?
  4. How good is the security on campus?
  5. What makes your college unique?
  6. What academic programs is your college most known for?
  7. Are there opportunities for internships?
  8. What type of academic assistance is available? 
  9. Are there opportunities to study off campus?
  10. Are there scholarships available?
  11. Are there campus jobs available for freshmen? 
  12. What are the requirements for admission? 
  13. What is the total cost, including books?
  14. What do the students like most about this campus?
  15. Are there club or intramural sport teams available? 
  16. What do most students do on the weekends?
  17. What are the big campus social events? 
  18. What jobs do people get with my major?
  19. What are the study abroad programs like at your school? Requirements to be eligible?
  20. How do you handle advance credit? ex. AP; IB; outside college credits.
  21. What differentiates this college from others?
  22. Is housing guaranteed?
  23. If I wanted to start my own club or student organization, is that an option?
  24. How available are professors to students? Do they maintain ample office hours?
  25. If I wanted to start my own club or student organization, is that an option?