Why students should get involved in college…

1. It allows students to become connected to their school: Colleges are full of resources, but the responsibility is on the student to seek them out. Being involved helps them to do that. Students should find the on-line resource or office building that is in charge of school activities. Most schools even have questionnaires that will help students figure out what clubs and/or organizations they would like to join.

2. It helps build community: Since students are leaving their family and sometimes their friends behind, getting involved helps them discover new friends with similar interests.  Getting involved in college allows students to meet like-minded people and fosters a sense of community.  Achieving a sense of belonging fosters social and emotional health and leads to many rewarding experiences. 

3. It allows students to discover their passions and strengths: These will follow them all through life. It allows them to discover what they don’t like, too.  One of the best things about college is having the opportunity to try new things.  Students who go outside of their comfort zone and try new things will discover interests they didn’t know they had. 

4. It’s a résumé builder: Freshman year is not too soon to begin thinking about positioning yourself for future employment.  Not all involvement has to be ongoing or long-term.  Consider temporary activities as well, such as, campus event planning or service projects.  There will most likely be a community newsletter students can subscribe to in order to stay up-to-date on campus events and activities. 

5. Sometimes, busier kids do better in all areas: This will vary a lot by the student, of course, but more free time does not always equal better grades. Being involved will require some organization and time management on the part of the student—and that’s a good thing.

It is up to the student to make the most out of their college experience and be they’re own advocate.  All students should get out there and be involved!!!