Choosing the right classes in high school will help you get admitted into college. This article is taken from the National Association for College Admission Counseling’s website. We thought it was worth posting since you may want to add or change some classes in your schedule this summer. You may even want to take a summer class!
“Because you are planning to go to college, it’s important that you take the right classes in high school. That means that, beginning in ninth grade, the majority of your classes should be ones that will prepare you for admission to and, perhaps even more importantly, success in college. Most admission officers will tell you that the first thing they look at is your choice of classes, even before they look at grades. When it comes time to apply to college, you want to make sure that you meet the admission criteria for ALL colleges in which you are interested. Always remember that it is much better to be “over prepared” than “under prepared.”
Here’s what you need by the end of your senior year in order to meet the admission expectations at a majority of colleges:
4 full years of English classes. This includes courses in which you study writing and courses in which you read literature. Colleges know that you need to be able to write well in nearly every career. You need to be able to read and analyze, and you need to develop strong communication skills! | 4 full years of math classes. Students who take math in each year of high school are far more successful in college than students taking only three years. Math is the tool that you will use for many other classes, especially those in science. Your math classes should include at least four of the following six classes, taken in this order:
Never “skip” a year of math in high school because you will lose your momentum. If you do not take math in your senior year, you will find that the math classes required in college will be very difficult! |
3-4 years of laboratory science classes. You will have the strongest background if you have taken at least one year each of:
| 2 years, at a minimum, of social sciences. Most college freshmen studied World History and US History in high school. Other social science options include:
2-4 years of foreign language. More and more colleges are requiring a minimum of 2 years of language study while in high school, as an admission criterion. Because many colleges require students to study a second language, it is important that you expose yourself to the study of languages while in high school. | A small number of colleges require one year of visual or performing arts prior to admission. Participation in these classes throughout high school can help you develop a “special talent” that will make you a highly qualified applicant. |
Most colleges require students to meet certain college prep curriculum standards, but just meeting the minimum is not necessarily the best way to prepare for college. Strong preparation means going beyond the minimum—allowing you to start your college career in college-level courses, not remedial courses designed to help you catch up or review high school material—for NO CREDIT!”