Summer is almost here. This is a great opportunity to have an internship and explore a potential career choice. Many companies offer internships in the summer. We recommend asking your teachers and counselors for opportunities that they know about as well as doing research on your own. Email us at for help in finding an internship.
According to
“Consider your summer internship as an investment in yourself and your own future. Summer internship programs are designed to help you develop skills essential to specific industries or job types. Your internship can be the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge outside of the classroom. The hands-on real-world experiences that you encounter during an internship program enable you to develop your potential and make key contacts for future networking. Use your internship to determine your interest level in certain career fields, get feedback from professionals regarding your strengths and weaknesses, and to further your education and expand your resume. And with summer internships, you can do all this in the time you already have off from school!”