Being ‘a poor college student’ is not a necessity. There are a lot of options for earning extra money while you’re in college. Here are a few ideas:
1. On Campus Job – Many campuses offer employment outside of the Federal Work Study program. Ask around campus. You might even find something that will help you in your future career.
2. Paid Internships – Most campuses have an office that helps students find internships. You’ll be paid for gaining valuable experience!
3. Another option is to become a Residence Manager in either college apartments or off campus. You’ll literally be working from home.
4. Become a representative of one of the many direct selling organizations that allow you to earn an income by selling their products. For a list of companies by category, go to
5. Be an entrepreneur and start a business that will appeal to college students.
6. Ask your professors for ideas. They live locally and may be able to provide you with some great ideas.