Achieving Success Through Goal Setting

Setting goals helps achieve success. The vast majority of people think about goals, but only 5% write down their goals and have action plans to achieve those goals. The keys to success are writing down goals, having an achievable action plan and have an accountability system.

The difference between a goal
and a dream is the written word.
-Gene Donohue

This is the perfect stage in life to start the habit of setting and achieving goals. Here are some tips:

1. Formulate goals for all areas of your life.
Spiritual/Personal Growth
2. Write down your goals in a positive tense not a negative sense. Write down what you want, not what you don’t want.
3. Write down your goals with complete details. For example, I want a new silver Honda Accord with leather seats, satellite radio, and a built-in GPS by May of ____ year. You are giving your subconscious mind details to focus upon. Close your eyes, imagine yourself driving the car. Go to a car dealer and test drive the car. Whatever it takes to make the goal real.
4. Make sure the goals are for something you really want and are high enough to inspire you.
5. Find an accountability buddy who is positive and will encourage you to achieve your dreams. Stay away from the ‘negative’ talk.
6. Review your goals as part of your routine. Keep them in the forefront of your mind.

Plan, Achieve, Enjoy the Reward!