Comparing Different College Choices

Comparing different college choices can be overwhelming. Here is a starter list of some questions to make sure you ask.
What percentage of students return their sophomore year?
What percentage of students graduate in 4 years, 5 years, 6 years?
What majors are offered?
How hard is it to change majors?
What majors are most popular at the school?
Are any departments in danger of being cut?
What are the graduation requirements?
What does the school do to help find internships?
Where are the internships?
How many internships does the average student have?
Are the advisors professors?
How often do the students meet with their advisor?
How quickly do the classes fill up?
What is the average class size?
How many classes are taught by teaching assistants?
Is tutoring available?
How many undergraduates get to do research? What year?
There are many other questions to ask about career placement, dorm life, campus activities etc.
Call our office to request a complete list of college comparison questions 630-907-9830.